語彙問題 - Questions based on vocabularyWorld Traveller で使われた語彙の確認テストです。Let's go _____ in the historic areas tomorrow. Please select your answerbig onsee fromsight-seeingavidlow visibility I want to _____ the top floor of this building. Please select your answersight-seeinglow visibilityavidsee frombig on He is a really _____ cleaner. His house is always beautiful. Please select your answeravidsee fromsight-seeinglow visibilitybig on On cloudy days there is _____ of the mountains. Please select your answersee fromlow visibilitysight-seeingbig onavid Time's upSNS毎朝5時Tweet、Instaには10秒リスニングをアップロードしてます♪TwitterInstagram