語彙問題 - Questions based on vocabularyFavorite Place で使われた語彙の確認テストです。There are _____ 3 million people living in this city. Please select your answercultureapproximatelydestinationspicyfired Part of their _____ is that they never say no. Please select your answerspicyfiredapproximatelyculturedestination This is a popular _____ for people who like beaches. Please select your answerdestinationfiredspicyapproximatelyculture Two employees here were _____ for stealing money. Please select your answerculturefiredapproximatelydestinationspicy Some Indian food is too _____ for me. Please select your answerdestinationspicyapproximatelyculturefired Time's upSNS毎朝5時Tweet、Instaには10秒リスニングをアップロードしてます♪TwitterInstagram