語彙問題 - Questions based on vocabularyMongolian Vacation で使われた語彙の確認テストです。We slept in a _____ in the forest. Please select your answerdumplingarcheryhorse racingtentwrestling I like to bet on _____ if I know the jockey is very good. Please select your answertentarcherydumplinghorse racingwrestling You need a bow and arrow for _____ . Please select your answerarcherydumplingtentwrestlinghorse racing I like _____ because it does not require equipment. Please select your answertentarcherydumplinghorse racingwrestling The _____ was filled with meat and spices. Please select your answerarcheryhorse racingdumplingtentwrestling Time's upSNS毎朝5時Tweet、Instaには10秒リスニングをアップロードしてます♪TwitterInstagram