語彙問題 - Questions based on vocabularyHawaii is home で使われた語彙の確認テストです。I prefer _____ to scuba diving because it is cheaper. Please select your answersnorkelingsoundsintroducedhospitalitytill That _____ like a good idea. Please select your answerhospitalityintroducedsnorkelingsoundstill People in the country side usually have better _____ than city folk. Please select your answerhospitalityintroducedtillsnorkelingsounds That fashion style was _____ from France. Please select your answertillintroducedsnorkelinghospitalitysounds I will be here _____ Saturday. Please select your answersnorkelingintroducedsoundshospitalitytill Time's upSNS毎朝5時Tweet、Instaには10秒リスニングをアップロードしてます♪TwitterInstagram