語彙問題 - Questions based on vocabularyTraveling to Taiwan で使われた語彙の確認テストです。The class is free, and _____ is it fits my schedule. Please select your answerthe good thingbelievea lot ofa lotsince You won't _____ what she is wearing today. Please select your answerthe good thingsincea lotbelievea lot of He gets good grades because he studies _____ . Please select your answerthe good thingbelievea lotsincea lot of I cannot drink beer _____ I am driving. Please select your answera lot ofsincebelievethe good thinga lot He has _____ talent, but no ambition. Please select your answera lot ofsincea lotbelievethe good thing Time's upSNS毎朝5時Tweet、Instaには10秒リスニングをアップロードしてます♪TwitterInstagram